“The lazy way to an awesome life”
Inca un articol foarte bun de la Eric Barker despre cum putem folosi cercetarea pentru a avea o viata mai implinita — inspiratie pentru inceputul de an:
“Since it's impossible to know which period of my life is the middle, I've decided to have an ongoing crisis.”
“A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.”
“Trying to be happy makes you unhappy.”
“Have some more damn fun. Make time for things that bring joy in the moment.”
“Research conclusively shows we’re happier when we close off options. When we decide and commit to something. Then your brain can rest. Even if it was the wrong decision your brain is pretty clever about rationalizing it all.”
“…the eternal error men make by imagining that happiness consists in the gratification of their wishes.”
“The happiest, most resilient, and most mentally healthy people had suffered two to three stressful events in their lives.”
Articole, evenimente si resurse utile acum:
Un articol mare si cuprinzator pentru #techstartups despre Growth Hacking, plus o multime de tools si strategies.
“The key defining components of growth marketing or growth hacking are:
* Fast and consistent experimentation across the customer journey to find the best growth options
* Rigorous data analytics around user experiences to understand what’s working and what’s not
* A step-by-step process rather than a one-size-fits-all framework”
Poate ai o idee bună de afaceri și, mai ales, ai și curajul de a o pune în practică. Vei descoperi, totuși, destul de rapid faptul că o idee bună nu este suficientă în ziua de azi pentru a crește o afacere durabilă, ci trebuie să ai și cunoștințele necesare pentru a fi un fondator și manager abil, care să reușească să treacă cu brio de situații incerte sau neprevăzute.
Un interviu interesant cu Daniel Dines, fondatorul UiPath Romania, cel care l-a detronat de curand pe Ion Tiriac de pe pozitia de cel mai bogat roman.
Mi-a placut mult ca in studentie in loc sa piarda timpul prin salile de curs si-a folosit energia si inteligenta jucand bridge competitiv si ca reactia lui in fata lipsurilor si saraciei a fost sa invete ce ii lipsea si sa lupte pentru o viata mai buna: "In 2014, when UiPath was looking for its first outside investment, the team didn’t have the money to hire a lawyer to go over the term sheet and other documents. “I learned all the legal terms. I wouldn’t have done that if I could have afforded a lawyer, but it would have been a mistake because now I understand much better this type of document. It was fascinating to understand the [recent] IPO process,” he adds."
“I discovered the best thing that money can buy in this world, and it’s not goods. I like inexpensive sports clothes. The best thing is the mentorship and advice of great people.”
“Psychology is one of the most interesting things you can study. At its core, it explores human behavior and explains why we do things the way that we do.
Psychology is also a valuable tool for healing interpersonal relationships, but it's a difficult field to study because the web is full of pseudo-science. When browsing Google, it's hard to escape BuzzFeed personality quizzes and clickbait "studies." How do you get around this mess?”
Sezonul 1 din “The Wheel of Time” (8/10) este o ecranizare acceptabila a primului volum din excelenta saga fantasy a lui Robert Jordan si merita vazuta de toti cei care nu au citit romanele, iar pe cei care le-au citit ii rog sa urmareasca serialul cu maxima benevolenta... :)
“Star Wars: Visions” (8/10) sau cum ar arata anime-urile in universul Star Wars.
“Some of the world's best anime creators bring their talent to this beloved universe.”
“Epoca mea de aur” de Daniel Horia (9/10) este o banda desenata care va face sa dispara prejudecata unora ca benzile desenate sunt niste prostii care nu merita atentie. Excelent desenata, cu o poveste emotionanta si autentica din perioada comunismului, este o lectura numai buna pentru culcare, preferabil de citit impreuna cu copilul ca sa ii poti explica ce se intampla in perioada aceea.