Recrutarea in #startups
Un articol foarte bun pentru #techstartup, despre strategia de recruitment corespunzatoare fiecarei faze a startup-ului tau, de la idee la scale-up:
“You need to craft a product team to match the phase of your company.“
“The ability to right-size your product team for the challenges your company faces is a secret weapon.”
“In the “drunken walk” phase, it’s about scrappy experiments and moving quickly. Management, process and structure are ingredients that haven’t been added in yet, and any early product hires are playing supporting — not starring — roles.”
“Finding product/market fit is like when smoke suddenly appears after you’ve been rubbing two sticks together for a long time. Now it’s all about protecting — and fanning — that feeble flame.”
“Hypergrowth is about scaling the core business and expanding your offerings simultaneously. Accomplishing both is insanely challenging. And it’s exponentially more difficult to pull it off amidst a sea of new employees, customers and increased expectations.”
Articole, evenimente si resurse utile acum:
Un articol foarte bun pentru #techstartup, care rezolva si criticile aduse metodologiei Lean Startup, explicand in detaliu si cu exemple de ce este necesar sa faci experimente in piata inainte chiar de a-ti dezvolta primul MVP (prin MVP aici intelegem o versiune simpla a produsului tau).
How to create a successful board deck and meeting for SaaS startups.
Un articol foarte bun pentru #techstartup, cu o varianta simplificata si operationala a metodologiei Jobs-To-Be-Done (JTBD).
“Anyone can build products. Not everyone can build products that solve a real problem and land product-market fit.”
“Intuition and conviction are extremely important in building early-stage products, but pairing it with listening to users can increase your chances of being right.”
In caz ca nu sunteti abonati (inca) la newsletter-ul Concentrat de la Decât o Revistă sa stiti ca pierdeti un interviu foarte bun pe care i l-au luat lui Diana Vasile despre trauma. Iar daca vreti sa va abonati aveti link-ul aici.
Un film scurt (14 min.) despre board games si socri, in care nimic nu este ceea ce pare sa fie.
O selectie cu cele mai bune filme din 2020 si unde le puteti vedea online. Am vazut doar 7 dintre ele.
China Mieville - Marea de Fier (8/10). Un roman fantasy original si unic in timp ce aduce un tribut unora din autori sai preferati (Melville, Defoe și Stevenson) printr-un “cameo literar” (nu stiu care este termenul corect pentru asta, probabil imprumut literar dar e mai mult un semn de apreciere decat inspiratie sau imprumut de aia am scris cameo).
Noul Dune: Part One (8/10) este un SF foarte bun, filmat spectaculos si bine jucat, dar nu te va da pe spate daca esti deja un fan al seriei lui Frank Herbert. In schimb, cei care nu au citit romanele o sa fie (sper) vrajiti si incantati de acest univers. Filmul pune in scena doar prima jumatate a primului roman din serie si este de vazut la IMAX.
“Station F, the big startup campus located in Paris, is launching an online component called Launch by Station F. With this new program, entrepreneurs from anywhere can get started and learn all the basics to start a company.
There are three basic building bricks behind Launch — content, tools and community.
The Station F team has created a ton of videos and articles by talking with some well-known entrepreneurs and investors in the startup community in France. This content will help you understand the tech industry.
People joining the Launch program will also be able to access a collection of essential tools to build a startup, with free trials and free tiers. Tools include Notion, Asana, Shopify, Bubble and Qonto.
Finally, the program is based on peer-to-peer feedback. Members can talk to each other in a Slack community, browse a directory of people and more. But the most powerful peer-to-peer component is that you have to give feedback to people when you’re going through the program.
Launch costs €9.90 per month and users can cancel whenever they want.”