Cum sa iti alegi angajatorul
Un articol foarte bun despre cum sa ii dai tu interviu angajatorului si nu invers. Cateva idei de retinut:
“Interviewing with a new company for a new role is a big choice, with bad odds. To make great career decisions, you need to find a way to conduct a reverse interview — flipping the odds and putting them in your favor.”
“The consequence of a bad career decision is therefore bigger for you as the individual than it is for the company. For you, a bad decision can lead to bad quality of life, slower professional development, and more. The brutal truth is that from a company's perspective, candidates are replaceable, whereas for a candidate, the wrong career opportunity may cost you both future opportunities and valuable time.”
“There is the perception of the role, company, and manager that you get from things like the job description and what the company tells you. But in most cases, there is a huge gap between that perception and actual reality.”
“A reverse interview is often defined as a process through which the candidate takes upon the role of the interviewer and asks questions of the company. The reverse interview puts more control in your hands, and helps you gain more information and shape the company's perception of you.”
“Preparing for a successful reverse interview should involve each of these 5 steps:
- Self + Personal Advisory Assessment: This step’s purpose is to help you identify your strengths and weaknesses through self assessment as well as assessment from your peers.
- Determining What You Want: Using information from your self-assessment, you can identify what you are looking for in the next role and how you can frame your pitch to a prospective company.
- Determine Companies That Are A Fit: Now that you understand what you are looking for, you can identify companies and roles that might match this criteria.
- Filter Companies Based On Insider Info: When possible, connecting with an insider at the company will give you additional insights you can use to filter prospective companies and roles.
- Come More Prepared Than They Do: This is where you have a large opportunity to impact the interview process. It allows you to come prepared to understand what you need to know to make a decision as well as tell the company what they should know but did not ask.”
“To understand the opportunity, you have to evaluate all three: company, team, and role.”
“Your environment either limits or amplifies your own ability to get better at a skill.”
“Unfortunately, interviewing is not a repeatable scientific process with guaranteed outcomes. It is a subjective process. Success with interviewing reflects not just on how good or relevant your skills for the job opportunity are, but also how well you can market this to the prospective employer. In reality, most people underestimate the marketing component. So they think it is 10% marketing and 90% your capabilities, when in reality the mix shift is more equal.”
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