Schimbari, StepFWD, cum gandesc oamenii
Timpul pentru o schimbare de cariera?
Inca un articol util via Eric Barker despre cum sa faci o schimbare de cariera potrivita pentru tine:
“You can reach a point where your job makes you feel completely embalmed. Your favorite horror movie is everyday life. It would be an interesting dilemma if there wasn’t so much to be uninterested in. You need a career transition.
If it’s any consolation, a lot of people are dealing with this right now. There’s been a lot of discussion lately about “quiet quitting.” (Plenty of loud quitting too.) After the two most collectively stressful years in modern history, people are starting to reconsider their big picture priorities. It’s less about deciding where you’d like to work and more about who you want to be.
Problem is, thinking this big is scary and the road forward is uncertain. You hear a lot about “finding yourself” and “making life changes” but nobody ever gives concrete instructions on how to actually do that.”
“Here’s how to make that big career transition:
* Act, Don’t Introspect: You won’t solve the Rubik’s Cube of identity just by thinking. You’ll know who you are when you see what you do. So start doing.
* Side Projects: This is how you make sure that you’re not jumping from the frying pan into the you-know-what. Try things, but safely.
* The Ugly Middle: Look, I didn’t say this would be easy. Focus on learning and making incremental progress. Rule stuff out. Celebrate those small wins as you hone in on what works.
* People Are Vital: The people that got you here won’t get you there. Don’t ditch your old network, but start building a new one. And find your Obi-Wan to tell you you’re not crazy.
* Develop Your Story: Build the mental bridge from old you to new you. See the overlap. Broaden your self-image, so you fit in this new world.
* Take A Break: Detach so it all clicks. It won’t be a “eureka” moment. It’ll be a calm confidence born of hard work. Convincing others is easier when you’ve already convinced yourself.”
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