Cum revolutionam modul in care lucram?
Daca aveti timp pentru o singura resursa saptamana asta, uitati-va la acest video in care Aaron Dignan explica cum sa reduci “organizational debt” si sa nu mai irosesti timp si energie:
“The world of work isn’t working. Business strategist Aaron Dignan is here to help us revolutionise our companies, slash red tape and make work more intelligent and human.
The way we work is broken. It takes forever to get anything done. Meetings and emails are incessant. Bureaucracy stifles talent and creativity. After decades of management theory and multiple waves of technological and societal change, is this really the best we can do?
Aaron Dignan is one of the world’s most highly sought business strategists. He’s taught companies from Uber to General Electric how to eliminate red tape, tap into collective intelligence, and rethink long-held traditions that no longer make sense. In this talk, he will show you how to revolutionize the way your company works forever.
Using stories from companies at the cutting edge of organizational transformation, Aaron will show you how to transform your team, department and business from the inside out, making work more adaptable, abundant and human. He’ll reveal new tactics and tips for updating your company’s operating system: the simple rules and assumptions so deeply embedded that you don’t even think to question them. Learn how to reignite passion and energy throughout your organization and to build a company that runs itself.”
Articole, evenimente si resurse utile acum:
15 subiecte neconvenționale pentru întrebările de interviu (și de ce funcționează).
“Project Aristotle - a tribute to Aristotle’s quote, "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts" (as the Google researchers believed employees can do more working together than alone) - had the goal to answer the question: What makes a team effective at Google?”
Strategiile de recrutare intr-un early startup sunt diferite de cele folosite de o firma mare sau chiar de un startup in fazele ulterioare de maturizare.
Asta chiar ca este cea mai buna resursa/curricula gratuita pentru cei care se pregatesc sa devina Product Manager/Lead. Sau care vor sa isi dezvolte competenta respectiva.
“Product-led growth (PLG) is a business methodology in which user acquisition, expansion, conversion, and retention are all driven primarily by the product itself. It creates company-wide alignment across teams—from engineering to sales and marketing—around the product as the largest source of sustainable, scalable business growth.”
“What happens when people eat right, maintain a healthy weight, exercise, and don’t smoke? They prevent 80% of heart attacks, 90% of type 2 diabetes, and significantly reduce the chance of cancer, dementia and pretty much every other bad thing you can think of.”
Un mic rezumat care sa va convinga sa cititi toata cartea:
“Atomic Habits book shares these 7 big ideas which can help you apply atomic habits in business:
1. Tiny improvements lead to remarkable results
2. Focus less on goals, OKR's and outcomes. Focus more on systems.
3. Change who you are by what you do.
4. Design the Environment to make change obvious.
5. Use social dynamics to make change attractive.
6. Enable consistency to make change easy.
7. Reward desired behaviours instantly to make change satisfying.”
“I am a college instructor and love to bring board games into my classroom. This is a series devoted to my fellow educators in an attempt to share all my ideas with them so they can use games-based learning in their classrooms, too!”
Build a Games Library for Your Institution! Professor Kim Suggests the Best Games to Get Started!
Un nou designer roman/moldovean de board/card games. Energic si perseverent si-a produs singur jocurile, ceea ce sper sa dea incredere si altora sa isi lanseze propria afacere, chiar si daca este doar una mica, va fi cea mai buna scoala de antreprenoriat.
“Le Bureau des Légendes” (8/10), e un serial TV de spionaj frantuzesc foarte bun, suficient de credibil, cu suspans, intriga, actiune, iubire, in fine, tot ce ii trebuie, dar eu am tras 3 concluzii:
- cine mi-a recomandat serialul, mi-a pus gand rau ca 5 zile nu am facut altceva decat bingeing
- nu as fi bun de spion ca mi-e imposibil sa imi stapanesc emotiile in halul in care o fac ei
- si nici nu cred mi-ar placea sa fiu spion (o sa vedeti voi de ce…).
“The Imitation Game” (9/10) o sa va faca sa priviti cu alti ochi oamenii ciudati, neobisnuiti, stranii, de la care uneori vin lucruri nemaivazute. Si o sa descoperiti ca, in realitate, unii eroi de razboi sunt cu totul altfel decat cei din majoritatea filmelor americane.
“The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” (8/10), este una din rarele adaptari TV excelente ale unei capodopere cinematografice (in fine, in cazul asta, a 2 trilogii) desi, de fapt, nu este chiar o adaptare cat un prolog, dar oricum ideea e ca Amazon a facut o treaba mai buna decat HBO si Netflix in cazul acesta. Mi se pare ca personajele au fost create cat de aproape posibil de spiritul lui Tolkien, fara sa fii autorul. Si modul in care au fost filmate a fost in stilul filmelor lui Jackson. Eu m-am uitat la el cu mai multa placere decat la tot restul serialelor de anul asta.
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