Despre investitii si capcanele lor
Sa te apuci sa investesti fara sa studiezi industria si mecanismele ei in prealabil este ca si cum te-ai apuca sa operezi oameni fiindca un coleg de la munca se lauda ca a facut o multime de bani in felul asta si ai vazut niste videoclipuri pe Youtube in care niste necunoscuti iti aratau ce usor este si ce masini misto si-au luat de cand s-au apucat de operat ("n-ai bai nevoie sa studiezi 10 ani, e de ajuns sa ai curaj ca mine si sa iti cumperi cursul unui crypto-guru"):
“The investing industry is ridden with bullshit. The most common and insidious form is over-optimism: offers of tantalizing risk/reward that defy any notion of reality, often based on misinformation or deception. Less common but even more dangerous are outright frauds.”
“The problem is inherent to the product. Most consumer goods – apples, hotel rooms, laptop computers – are tangible objects or services that you can see, taste, feel, or experience, so you can judge how much they are worth to you. Investments represent claims about some future probability distribution of monetary outcomes which are not literally verifiable. The best an investor can do is form a reasonable judgment about the uncertainty around those claims, based on historical evidence and details about the mechanics of how those claimed outcomes are generated.”
“The lines between over-optimism, deception, and fraud are not always bright, and investment schemes can move slowly between those categories over time. Common red flags include:
- Projected returns far above historical equity returns
- Claims of returns significantly exceeding bond yields with little or no risk
- Extrapolation of recent extreme investment performance into the future
- Overly complex investments with non-transparent sources of return
- Perverse incentives for the people selling the investment”
Articole, evenimente si resurse utile acum:
What comes to your mind when you say mentor? Let's hear from Dragos what is a good mentor: "A good mentor is like a good wife (or husband), always believing in you, always supporting you, but also challenging you with different points of view and a serene overall perspective. So, you have to be as diligent in choosing your mentor as you should be in choosing your wife (husband)."
You have the chance to exchange ideas in the Investment Meetings in the last part of the StepFWD pre-accelerator. Take a minute to see if it's for you »
In #techstartups toti founderii si investitorii se plang cat de greu le este sa gaseasca un Product Manager bun, asa ca de aici puteti afla cum sa deveniti unul.
Un articol excelent, documentat si lung, despre cum poti sa-ti gasesti ideea de startup care te va duce la “FIRE” — “Based on my research of over 50 of the most successful consumer companies, there are only five common strategies for coming up with a great startup idea—all rooted in paying attention:
- Pay attention to your own problems, and solve them (~30%)
- Pay attention to your curiosity, and tinker (~20%)
- Pay attention to what’s already working, and double down (~18%)
- Pay attention to paradigm shifts, and work backward (~15%)
- Brainstorm with friends, and pay attention to the four points above (~15%)”
8 grafice care fac cat multe mii de cuvinte analizand afacerile celor 4 cele mai mari firme de tehnologie: Google, Amazon, Apple si Microsoft.
Investeste o oră ca să înțelegi cum funcționează criptomonedele și care sunt pericolele pe care le implica. Mini-documentar facut de Catalin Moise.
Un articol excelent despre cum sa scrii ca sa ajungi sa ai un newsletter citit si urmarit.“I should note, by the way, that advice is probably overrated. The reason is that people don’t really know how they accomplished what they accomplished. They know the things they did, and they know the results they achieved, but because they’ve only done it one time, they don’t really know which exact things were effective and which were just incidental or even detrimental to their success.”
Daca ai copii, au acces la internet si vrei sa dormi linistit ca nu fac prostii, parcurge cu ei materialele si jocul educativ de aici.
“I write because I need to organize my own thoughts. I need to make sense of the world, and a big part of the way to do that is by writing.”
Un foarte bun rezumat al unei carti excelente, “Reality is Broken. Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World” de Jane McGonigal: “However, it goes a bit deeper than that. The same techniques used to get you hooked on that level-up are being used by digital product companies to make their products more engaging and fun to use. The next step would be to go back into the offline reality and use gamification to create better experiences in the real world.”
StepFWD believes that team diversity is a significant force that gives startups access to good ideas, fresh perspectives, and real experience they might otherwise lack. This component can also attract investors and customers who value businesses run by diverse teams. By completing this survey, let’s find together the state of diversity in the Romanian startup ecosystem 👉
Una din cele mai bune liste cu sfaturi pentru parinti. Cele mai importante pentru mine au fost:
- When your child offers you a hand to hold, take it.
- You are constantly losing them
- A child’s life should be good, not easy
- Be really, really demanding, and be very, very supportive.
- Spend money to teach values
- Give power to get power
- Let them see you loving your work
- Your living is the teaching
“The Man Who Fell to Earth” (8/10) este o ecranizare excelenta a unuia dintre cele mai bune romane SF, care nu se fereste sa atace aspecte profunde ale umanitatii, vazute prin ochii unui “spaceman” hiper-rational venit de pe Anthea pe Pamant cu misiunea de a salva ambele planete. Extraterestrul evolueaza in acest proces. Noi, pamantenii, mai putin. Atentie ca spre final este destul de dark deci NR15.
“John Leguizamo's Latin History for Morons” (9/10) este unul din cele mai bune spectacole, nu doar de stand up, ci si musical, teatru, istorie, si mai mult, o lectie profunda de viata.