The go-to-market strategy
Articolul asta de David Odier iti explica foarte clar cum sa abordezi strategia de go-to-market. Mai jos tot ce trebuie sa stii, iar articolul integral aici:
“A good go-to-market can make — or break — a company. There’s no silver bullet for nailing your go-to-market (GTM) strategy, but it’s best to think about this strategy as a process. There are three key stages, and being thoughtful about all three will put you on track for growth.
1/ Start with lots of customer research and a soft launch
Founders often confuse the soft launch of a product with reaching product-market fit. You’ve reached product-market fit when customers are willing to pay for your product and churn is under control. Unlike a soft launch, it’s not a date you can plan for or put in your calendar; but you’ll know when it happens. Selling will be that much easier, and the glowing customer feedback will speak for itself.
The company that impressed me the most in this process is Pennylane, a French accounting startup creating a local Xero and Quickbooks competitor. As they were building their product, they interviewed 150 startup founders and agency owners, their core target groups.
When they unveiled their final product, almost all of the companies they had interviewed became paying customers.
I love this story because it shows how successful companies can be if product, marketing and sales work closely together.
2/ Maximise the impact of your GTM with near-perfect product messaging
Prepare your GTM plan by focusing almost entirely on that uniqueness and take a step back. Think together with your team: who would benefit the most from this unique value we are creating?
Invest some time in this process. The answer is probably not as straightforward as you think it is, and it requires a deep dive into your market. Remember that you are creating a product for your customers. You should not try to create a product you think is great but does not answer a market need.
Once you’ve understood who will benefit the most from your product, the GTM plan you will prepare will be entirely focused on this audience. They will be the ones that will understand your value the quickest and will be the easiest to convince.
3/ When does GTM end, and what do you do from there?
One thing that’s certain is you cannot define the end of your go-to-market with a number. You can obviously set yourself goals, but that ignores the fact that you want to sustain that growth. You need more than one North Star metric to safely say you should move from talking about GTM to the growth phase.
My definition of a GTM ending and the start of a growth phase is when a company grows their revenues by more than 10% month-on-month several months in a row and the return on your marketing investments (eg. ads, providers, team) is higher than two.”
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PS. Eu sunt Impresario cu Entertainer si Shaper.
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