“The single best thing about playing board games with your children”
Unul din cele mai bune documentare (30 min.) despre jocurile de masa (board games) ca solutie eficace de a reduce timpul petrecut in fata ecranelor digitale, dar si pentru a reinviora o viata de familie devenita din ce in ce mai deconectata in ultima vreme. Daca aveti copii trebuie neaparat sa vedeti acest video:
“Many are discovering that the conveniences promised by the digital world have not eventuated our devices have not gifted us more time nor have they brought us closer to those people we actually care about but have instead trapped us holding us hypnotised to screens lost down rabbit holes or in polarising echo chambers ignoring even those of our own households as we chase instead electronic validation. A growing number have come to seek out and cherish those opportunities to press pause on technology to unplug, and recharge ourselves…”
“While other media is often being consumed passively (or even completely mindlessly) board gaming is active requiring your participation and engagement and not just with the physical pieces in front of you but engagement also with those people who are sitting around the table with you. This quality time is something vanishingly rare to be treasured wherever you may find it.”
“They say one of the quickest ways to grow old is to become unwilling to learn new things and I know that the regular playing of games has been really great at continuing to stretch my brain in good ways.”
“Gaming offers a safe avenue to experience, process and learn how to productively deal with and express those negative emotions that are an inevitable part of life. I actually think that's one of the main purposes of "play" in general be it imaginative, on the playground, or structured through sports or board games "play" is the way in which we learn how to be social and interact with others, how to deal with those disappointments and setbacks caused by other people. This kind of gentle, ego adjustment runs central through a lot of the board gaming experience - at the core of many, many games is this idea, that all the people playing having differing incentives, driving their actions, at any given moment - so you are forced to think outside of just yourself, and to consider the motivations and perspectives of the other people.”
“The single best thing about playing board games with your children is that it communicates to them that they are not a waste of your time, that you didn't bring them into this world just to ignore them or worse, resent them as some kind of burden to be complained about, but that you are happy to spend time sharing in an experience with them - without expectation of reward - yet this investment in time does get "paid back" in well-grounded and secure children! Similar can be partially achieved, by involving them in the kitchen or garden, completing chores with them, cooking together, making the effort to sit down to share mealtimes, or by including them in whatever projects you may have on the go - and I think all of that's important… But this is explicitly non-productive time. From this, they learn they are worth your time, even (and I'd argue especially) when nothing essential or urgent is being achieved, like playing games.”
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Brent Weeks - Marginea umbrei (8/10) este partea a doua din seria Îngerul Nopții, si desi incepe lent isi revine rapid si ne arunca intr-un suvoi de actiune, lupte si emotii cum ne-a obisnuit din prima parte (careia i-am dat 9/10). Singura problema este ca a aparut la doi ani distanta de prima parte, si abia pe la jumatatea volumului incepi sa iti aduci aminte cine e cine, asa ca daca vreti o experienta “full immersive” cititi-o cand aveti toate cele 3 volume (al treilea urmeaza sa apara anul viitor).
PS. M-a amuzat recenzia pe care a primit-o de la Peter V. Brett, alt autor fantasy care mie imi place foarte mult: „Weeks creează un melanj bogat de politică, cultură și personaje în trilogia Îngerul Nopții, după care aruncă în peisaj asasini care cunosc tainele magiei. Brent Weeks e atât de bun, încât începe să mă enerveze.“
"Ce nu masori nu poti imbunatati" sau "Ce sa masori ca sa stii daca vanzarile firmei sunt pe calea cea buna":
1. Monthly sales/new customers
2. Monthly new leads/prospects
3. Lead-to-sale conversion rate
4. Cost per lead
5. Cost per conversion
6. Customer lifetime value/customer profitability
7. Customer turnover rate
8. Net promoter score
9. Average conversion time
10. Average annual sales volume per customer
11. Hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual sales
12. Number of monthly sales demos
13. Relative market share
14. Product/service usage
15. Website conversion rate
Nu i-am folosit inca, dar mi se pare o aplicatie pe care merita sa o ai la indemana ca nu se stie cand si pentru cine ai nevoie de ingrijire medicala profesionala la domiciliu.
M-am jucat cu Mihai Bluff Jubiläumsausgabe (8/10), un joc de societate (board game) competitiv, pentru 8-99 ani, genul “push-your-luck” cu zaruri, dar fara vreo tematica, cu reguli foarte usoare, usor de invatat si de jucat, rapid (dureaza 10-15 minute) pentru 2-6 jucatori.
Jocul asta este de fapt varianta lansata in Germania in 1993 a unui joc american pe nume “Liar’s Dice” publicat in 1987, dar care e de fapt o varianta a unui joc sud-american pe nume “Perudo” din secolul 18, si care a devenit celebru dupa ce a aparut in “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest” in 2006. In fine, are istorie, ce mai.
Este un excelent joc de introducere (in hobby-ul de board gaming), de familie, de petrecere, sau un “filler game” (adica un joc cu care sa te relaxezi intre partide cu jocuri mai complicate si mai lungi) care nu ar trebui sa lipseasca din casa nimanui.