De ce sa exersezi umorul?
De cand ma stiu, deviza mea a fost "If you are not having fun you are doing something wrong" (preluata de la Grouch Marx).
Unul din lucrurile care m-au impresionat puternic, acum 30 de ani, la formarea de profesor Waldorf a fost ca "daca la ore copii nu rad si la final nu pleaca imbujorati, insemna ca le-ai facut ceva rau, indiferent ce le-ai cunostinte predat."
In toate studiile pe relatii privind ce anume le impresioneaza pe femei cand evalueaza un barbat, simtul umorului este mereu in primele 3 locuri. In orice faci, acasa, in public sau la munca, daca iti dispare buna-dispozitie, zambetul, umorul, e semn ca ceva nu e in regula acolo. Dar sper ca articolul sa va convinga mai bine decat mine referitor la acest principiu de viata.
"This is how to be funnier:
1. What Is Humor?: It’s the reward your brain gives you for correcting errors in your thinking. And its warm embrace is a travel agency for the soul.
2. How To Be Funny: Play with the principles listed above: surprise, truth, opinion, incongruous juxtaposition, exaggeration, specificity, and callbacks. It’s worth the time. (Being funny is this blogger’s best defense against the looming threat of ChatGPT.)
3. Developing Jokes: Yes, some people have two-digit SAT scores and just don’t get the joke but in the end, humor is very democratic. Sometimes people will not laugh out loud -- or even very quietly. You have to come up with a lot of groaners to find the gems. You can cheat by working from the best stories you have or that others have told you.
4. Warning: Humor Can Offend: Welcome to 2023 where everything is outside someones’s comfort zone. Know your audience and consider the context. (I will be over here trying to keep my entendres single.)"
Articole, evenimente si resurse utile acum:
Mie mi se pare evident ca notiunea de PMF nu este un moment, ci un proces, ca este prea complex pentru a fi masurat cu o singura metrica, dar articolul acesta face foarte clare aceste aspecte pentru cei carora nu li se par evidente: “Every VC or tech leader article about the concept of PMF points to certain companies and products to back up the idea that fit is real, but rarely achievable, and still worth chasing. Yet every one I could find on the web exemplifies companies whose products are still being refined, and in many cases, have undergone multiple massive overhauls even after they supposedly achieved the mythical “fit.”
Unul dintre cele mai bune articole care explica framework-ul JTBD (util in faza de Problem-Solution-Fit a unui startup): “People hire services and products to get specific jobs done in their lives. This article will help you to uncover and understand these jobs. You will be able to improve your product, shape your marketing and bring insights about customer needs closer to your designers and developers.”
Inca un articol foarte bun despre JTBD framework si la final o carte intreaga ce poate fi descarcata gratis (When Coffee and Kale Compete): “Upgrade your user, not your product. Don’t build better cameras - build better photographers.”
Despre instrumentul psihometric “Reiss Motivation Profile” si teoria celor 16 dorinte de baza (sau motivatori intrinseci) care sta la baza acestui instrument (pe care inca nu l-am testat, dar care mi se pare interesant): “Many psychologists have assumed that human behavior is guided by the desire to feel good, or what can be called the “Pleasure Principle.” According to this principle, what people want above all is to maximize their pleasure and to minimize their pain.”
This talk will walk you through the emotionally-charged myths and misconceptions surrounding masturbation. Dr. Teesha Morgan is a Sex Therapist and Couples Counsellor, author, sexual educator and co-founder of The Westland Academy of Clinical Sex Therapy.
Shortform nu exagereaza cand spune ca are cele mai bune rezumate ale cartilor de non-fictiune din lume, fiindca rezumatele lor sunt mai mult decat atat, sunt “guides”. Si o afirma un pasionat de subiect care a fost abonat la alte 4 firme concurente si si-a facut toata viata rezumate la cartile citite. Sunt cele mai bune, fiindca sunt exhaustive (extrag toate ideile principale, din fiecare capitol), sunt sintetice (reformuleaza ideile cat mai concis), sunt bine structurate (1-page summary la inceput, si pe urma fiecare idee principala descrisa in formatul Principles/Tactics/Examples), sunt interactive (au exercitii care sa stimuleze retentia informatiei cu camp liber in care scrii ce ai retinut, poti sa subliniezi si sa iti faci propriile notite pe marginea ideilor), au optiune de audiobook si serviciul este relativ ieftin (13$/luna pentru acces la toate cartile). Evident ca cel mai util exercitiu, si de fapt singura cale sa tii minte ceva dintr-o carte, este sa iti faci propriul tau rezumat, pe care pe urma sa il prezinti cu cuvintele tale macar de 3-4 ori. Doar asa combati curba lui Ebbinghaus. Dar uneori ai nevoie sa frunzaresti o carte nu sa o studiezi, ca sa vezi “cu ce se manaca”, ca sa iti dai seama daca te intereseaza subiectul sau e doar un moft trecator, sau ca sa iti aduci aminte de ceva ce ai citit si uitat, sau ca sa te hotarasti daca merita sa o cumperi si citesti foaie cu foaie, si in cazurile astea Shortform ar putea sa iti fie de folos.
“The total value of VC funds raised grew by 4.2x from $3.5bn in 2009 to $14.8bn in 2019 which can be attributed to more funds raised but also to larger funds raised. As a result, an increasing number of VC firms needs to invest an increasing amount of capital into a limited number of assets. Obviously, this imbalance led to an increase in startup valuations but more interestingly to VCs becoming more creative in their investment process.” Andre Retterath - The Future of VC, Augmenting Humans with AI.
Un excelent articol de antropologie culturala despre cum board games-urile sunt artefacte care ilustreaza memoria culturala a unor regiuni sau timpuri.
Inca un articol excelent despre importanta si impactul board game-urilor in societate: “Board game-urile sunt și depozite de amintiri despre evenimente din trecut și chiar persoane și experiențele lor: de multe ori un joc este cea mai potrivită metodă de a te face să înțelegi prin ce a trecut o persoană sau un grup de persoane, deoarece este în sinea lui o simulare. Abstractizată, da, dar o simulare.”
"100 Best Sitcoms of All Time - From family stories to band-of-misfits hangouts, classic rom-coms to workplace mockumentaries, cringe comedies to antihero showcases, and some shows that defy definition, these are the hundred series that have made us laugh, think, occasionally cry, and laugh all over again."
Nichita Stanescu - “Poeme de dragoste” antologie publicata in 2022 la Editura Tracus Arte (9/10)
După certare şi sărutare
ea căzuse în ațipire
sprâncenele și genele
erau iarbă pe poienele
cele cu iarbă
păscută de mine.
by Keaton Henson
what does one do love to empty the mind?
‘nothing my dear but sit still and be kind’
and how does one conquer the fearing of death?
‘by living the minute and counting the breath’
what does one write love when nothing will come?
‘write all the bad until you feel it’s done’
say, what of the heart and the way that it breaks?
‘pour all the dust into what you create’
what do you do when the words are unkind?
‘take it to heart and then leave it behind’
oh, who is the man I am trying to be?
‘that I don’t know dear but one day we'll see’
how can you love me with all that I’ve done?
‘go back to sleep now and wait for the sun’
but how can I sleep with the world in my head?
‘write a quick poem and go back to bed’