Cum si de ce sa inveti GO?
Cativa prieteni m-au intrebat cum pot invata cel mai usor si rapid GO, asa ca am facut o postare publica poate mai au si altii nevoie de ea.
Mie mi se pare ca cea mai buna platforma ca sa inveti GO, daca stii engleza, este Abonamentul cel mai mic incepe de la 9$ pe luna, dar eu am vazut asta ca un motivator sa te tii de treaba si sa parcurgi repede materialele video si problemele (Skill Tree). Ai acolo toate informatiile necesare, materialele video sunt foarte bine realizate iar dupa fiecare notiune iti sunt date problemele in care sa aplici notiunea. Exista si surse online gratuite, dar implica mai multa disciplina si sunt mai complicate. Poti sa inveti din carti (exista chiar vreo 2-3 in limba romana), dar am vazut ca pentru asta iti trebuie un prieten care sa te mobilizeze sa cititi amandoi si sa discutati si jucati ce cititi.
De ce ai invata GO, ma intrebi? Uite de asta:
Originating in China, GO has a history of over 3000 years.
It has simple rules, but over 10 to the power of 171 possible variations, making it the most complex board game ever
Top professional GO players earn up to $1.3M annually.
Left and right brain unite when you play GO. Right Hemisphere: Creativity and Innovation, Pattern Recognition, Spatial Intelligence, Intuition and Insight. Left Hemisphere: Strategic Planning, Logical Reasoning, Analytical Thinking, Mathematical Skills
Playing GO not only boosts your memory and helps you focus better, but it also makes you a great problem solver.
Playing GO is great for keeping your emotions in check and keeping your mind sharp and flexible.
All these benefits might even help in slowing down the aging process of the brain, reducing the risk of dementia. (see the list of researches)
“While the Baroque rules of Chess could only have been created by humans, the rules of GO are so elegant, organic, and rigorously logical that if intelligent life forms exist elsewhere in the universe they almost certainly play GO” — Edward Lasker, International Chess Master
If every possible chess position was a single grain of sand, GO complexity would be comparable to the entire Sahara Desert.
The 2016 match where Google’s AlphaGO defeated world champion Lee Sedol was a watershed moment, showcasing the incredible potential of artificial intelligence. That was the beginning of the widespread use of neural networks.
Seen GO in movies like “A Beautiful Mind” or “Pi”? It’s also sneaked into scenes in “Tetris” and “Knives Out.” But where GO really scores big is in the anime world. Enter “Hikaru no GO” — it’s this awesome series about a kid, Hikaru, who stumbles upon a GO board with a twist: it’s haunted by a GO master’s spirit from the past. Even though the anime is more than 20 years old, it’s still a hit, boasting an 8.2 on IMDB.
Jumpstart your GO adventure with Go Magic! Our platform makes learning GO a breeze with Interactive Courses and a structured Skill Tree. Start your journey with the first course of our Go fundamentals trilogy, covering the rules and basics on 9×9, and then keep progressing to greater challenges in the art of GO.
Carti de initiere in GO, in romana:
1. “Initiere in GO” scrisa de academician dr. Gheorghe Paun - aparuta in anii '80 in mai multe editii, acum se gaseste doar in anticariate
2. “Primii pasi in GO. Manual pentru anul I de studiu” scrisa de Mirel Florescu (6 dan) - aparuta in 2010, acum se gaseste doar in anticariate
3. “Lectii de initiere in GO” scrisa de Vasile Bunea - aparuta in 2019, inca se mai gaseste pe
4. - un proiect international de a traduce in cat mai multe limbi un manual de GO si a-l face disponibil gratuit, oricui doreste sa il distribuie. Traducerea in romana a fost facuta de George Stihi, unul din veteranii GO-ului romanesc.
BONUS: Inca unul din avantajele GO-ului este ca pe aceeasi tabla, cu aceleasi piese, poti sa joci si alte jocuri abstract-strategice, mai usoare, mai rapide, mai agresive etc.
Articole, evenimente si resurse utile acum:
The Top 50 Psychology Books of 2023 - aici.
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E bine de stiut nu ca reorientare profesionala, ci ca autoaparare ;)
Emotiile sunt mecanismul de reactie rapida la medium, dar si mecanismul de interconectare dintre minte si corp, dintre ganduri si actiuni. “It’s important to notice something here: Feelings are NOT designed to have us slow down and really feel them. We may not even be consciously aware of our emotional state. Our brain just needs to register a feeling just long enough to orient us to what’s important in the environment and to activate various physical and behavioral systems to fuel a move toward or away.”
Unul din cele mai bune video de acest gen, cu instrumente AI bine selectate si complet functionale in varianta free.
“Strive not to be a success, but to be of value.” - Albert Einstein
“I wrote about how we aren’t born with a single fixed purpose any more than we are born with fixed strengths and interests. Our purpose doesn’t have to be something super obscure or super impactful that requires the great detective work of a career coach or accelerator.
1. We all want to feel useful
2. Think hobbies not hustles
3. We won’t find purpose by looking for it
4. We are unique, but our purpose doesn’t have to be”
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Uite, Mihai, vezi ca ai nevoie de matematica ca sa fii bun la jocuri? 😂
Un joc online free (creat pentru a promova o campanie Kickstarter pentru varianta card game) excelent realizat pentru a familiariza copii cu logica si haosul investitiilor bursiere.
Poate asa o sa invat si eu codul Morse intr-un final.
Actualol - 10 greseli pe care cei mai multi “board gamers” incepatori le fac. Plus, 10 capcane pe care “board gamers” ar face bine sa le evite si pe care mi-as fi dorit sa le stiu acum 10 ani cand am intrat in acest hobby.
Ameritrash sau Eurogame? Dexterity sau Abstract-Strategy? Dungeon Crawler sau Worker Placement? Cooperative sau Competitive? Deckbuilding sau Legacy? Solo sau Party? Engine Building sau Social Deduction? Despre ce vorbesti tu aici, Dragos?
Fanorona este un joc abstract strategic, originar din Madagascar, care se joaca cel putin din secolul 16, si este unul dintre cele mai dificile si agresive (zic eu) jocuri logic-rationale. Fanorona a devenit renumit în special datorită includerii sale în jocul video “Assassin’s Creed III”, unde jucătorii pot juca Fanorona împotriva unui personaj din joc. Nu vreti sa stiti ce furori a facut provocarea de a invinge AI-ul din joc printre video gameri (programe software, forum, reddit, etc). In Romania nu se gaseste si afara l-am gasit doar foarte scump (etsy), asa ca imi propusesem sa mi-l printez 3D, doar ca un prieten care stia ca il caut de mult mi l-a gasit intr-un magazin de biliard. Scumput la 230 ron, dar e de lemn si calitatea e foarte buna (ca la Gigamic). Daca mai este cineva care il cauta, am pus un link de la acest magazin obscur.