Idei excelente de gandit si trait
"Beliefs are theories. Actions are experiments. Emotions are feedback. Life is a science and its objective is growth.
Some people are ruled by their beliefs—they will torture themselves for the sake of an idea. Others are ruled by their emotions—they will change their mind a thousand times in search of what feels good.
A healthy mind acknowledges both, but is ruled by neither."
(Mark Manson)
"The life you want is on the other side of your ability and willingness to delay gratification—to do hard things, to embrace the suck, to endure painful experiences.
The life you want is on the other side of the taxes you need to pay:
- The periods of loneliness for your transformation
- The stress and anxiety for your ambition
- The boredom for your success
- The hard conversations for your deep relationships
- The imposter syndrome for your progress
- The misunderstanding for your innovation
- The loss for your love
When you embrace delayed gratification, when you embrace hard things, when you embrace these taxes of life, you’ll find your depth and fulfillment on the journey."
(Sahil Bloom)
“Go for freedom. Freedom allows you to control what you work on. If you control what you work on then you can work on what you love. If you love it you will do it for a long time. If you do it for a long time you will get really good at it. Money will come as a result.”
“For those who think you can’t get to the top unless you beat the crap out of everybody — you’re wrong. When your world is your business and your business is your world, it’s all about long-term relationships. In any negotiation, I believe in leaving a little bit on the table. And in any relationship, I believe in sharing the stakes. I’ve been doing deals with many of the same people for decades because the goal is for us to all come out ahead.”
“My real compensation for the job of travelling salesman wasn’t monetary. It was getting comfortable with rejection. Indifference to rejection is a fundamental part of being an entrepreneur."
“When everyone is going left, look right.”
“All the opportunity in the world means nothing if you don’t actually pull the trigger.”
(Sam Zell)
Bonus: Alte cateva din cele pe care le aplic deja, din acest articol adunate:
2. Turn off self-view on video calls
4. Sort your boxes
6. Have a place for your keys
11. Monitor passports
12. Manage subscriptions
15. Just do one thing
93. Get outside every day
98. Embrace (healthy) convenience
100. Accept you’ll never get your life together – and that’s OK
Articole, evenimente si resurse utile acum:
12 prompturi excelente pentru persoanele fizice care investesc în acțiuni individuale ale companiilor (stock picking, direct investment), nu în indici (index fund, ETF).
Va recomand atelierele de la Fundatia Calea Victoriei, sunt mai ieftine decat un film in doi si te invata mai multe decat un an de cursuri de facultate. 😂🥰
Un articol foarte interesant scris de Ted Chiang care argumenteaza de ce GenAI nu are cum sa creeze arta, la fel cum nici o camera foto de una singura nu creaza arta, ci fotograful care o foloseste ca ceea ce este, un instrument: "Art is notoriously hard to define, and so are the differences between good art and bad art. But let me offer a generalization: art is something that results from making a lot of choices. This might be easiest to explain if we use fiction writing as an example. When you are writing fiction, you are—consciously or unconsciously—making a choice about almost every word you type; to oversimplify, we can imagine that a ten-thousand-word short story requires something on the order of ten thousand choices. When you give a generative-A.I. program a prompt, you are making very few choices; if you supply a hundred-word prompt, you have made on the order of a hundred choices. If an A.I. generates a ten-thousand-word story based on your prompt, it has to fill in for all of the choices that you are not making. There are various ways it can do this. One is to take an average of the choices that other writers have made, as represented by text found on the Internet; that average is equivalent to the least interesting choices possible, which is why A.I.-generated text is often really bland. Another is to instruct the program to engage in style mimicry, emulating the choices made by a specific writer, which produces a highly derivative story. In neither case is it creating interesting art.” PS. Articolul necesita abonament dar eu am reusit sa il citesc in Safari cu optiunea "reader view”.
Am tot auzit in ultima vreme discutii si afirmatii despre nevoia copiilor de "independent play" si, ca de obicei, este o notiune care circula din wall in wall (ca pe Facebook nu poti sa mai zici ca merge din gura in gura 😂) fara sa fie clar explicata, ce sa mai zic de a fi argumentata stiintific. Asa ca unii parinti ajung sa se intrebe daca nu cumva gresesc fiindca le place sa se joace cu copii lor. Iar altii se folosesc imediat de acest pretext tocmai ca sa scape de copilul care vrea sa se joace cu ei. Cand, cat si cum sa ii lasam sa se descurce singuri? Si cand, cat si cum sa ii ajutam? Asta e intrebarea care ii trece oricarui parinte prin cap de un milion de ori pana ajunge bunic. Articolul este bine scris si documentat (se poate citi cu Reader View in Safari) si ne arata (pentru a nu-stiu-cata-oara) ca adevarul nu este alb sau negru, ci depinde de copil, de context, de varsta, de activitate, etc. Pentru cine nu are rabdare sa citeasca 1500 de cuvinte, TLDR-ul este: "E ok sa te joci cu copilul tau cata vreme asta va bucura autentic pe amandoi."
Pfui am stiut doar 5 din 7, trebuie sa mai stau pe langa Mihai sa fiu si eu mai "skibidos", mai "rizzler", mai "sigma", sa dau "mogging" la prieteni dar fara "mewing" sau "fanum tax". Desi Mihai cica este "so Ohio" sa scriu asa ceva pe FB. Bine pentru el tot social media este "Ohio", doar prietenii apropiati conteaza. Tot ce intalnesti pe social media sunt "sussy boys"...😂🥰
In lume apar multe AI tools (in fiecare zi vreo cateva sute), dar aici sunt curatoriate cele mai bune pentru uzul profesional:
“The scenario goes by several names: “the secretary problem,” where instead of ranking gas stations or the like by prices, you rank job applicants by their qualifications; and “the marriage problem,” where you rank suitors by eligibility, for two. All incarnations share the same underlying mathematical structure, in which a known number of rankable opportunities present themselves one at a time. You must commit yourself to accept or reject each of them on the spot with no take-backs (if you decline all of them, you’ll be stuck with the last choice). The opportunities can arrive in any order, so you have no reason to suspect that better candidates are more likely to reside at the front or back of the line.”
“Amazingly, the optimal strategy results in you selecting your number one pick almost 37 percent of the time. Its success rate also doesn’t depend on the number of candidates. Even with a billion options and a refusal to settle for second best, you could find your needle-in-a-haystack over a third of the time. The winning strategy is simple: Reject the first approximately 37 percent no matter what. Then choose the first option that is better than all the others you’ve encountered so far (if you never find such an option, then you’ll take the final one).”
Un podcast (are si varianta transcrisa) excelent despre hipnoza, mai ales ca Andrei vorbeste si din punctul de vedere al neurostiintei.
O mostra de jurnalism profesionist, care ancheteaza extensiv un caz de plagiat (sesizat de o autoare de jocuri din UK pe un grup de Facebook) si face lumina asupra comportamentului neetic al unui asa-zis “antreprenor”. As vrea sa vad mai multe articole ca asta, care dupa cum vedeti din updates, a si avut un impact in aceasta situatie.
GenAI a fost in sfarsit pus la treaba ca sa ajute hoardele de board gameri impatimiti sa nu se mai certe pe reguli, interpretari si regulamente. Si pe gratis. Ce sa mai vrei de la viata?😂
"I think the important thing here for reviewers to remember is that you are in service to your audience and your passion for games, not to publishers. If you willingly accept a copy of a game to review, the sole responsibility you’ve accepted is to play the game and share your thoughts with your viewers, readers, and subscribers. You don’t owe publishers a note, an explanation, an alternative, and or a positive review."
Daca nu stii cu ce sa iti incepi colecția de jocuri de societate ia-te dupa aceste 10 titluri recomandate de unul din cei mai amuzanti revieweri de board games, Jon Purkis (Actualol).
Mi-am facut cont pe BGG in 05.02.2021. Pana azi am jucat 990 de jocuri diferite.
Toate sunt jucate IRL, nu ma joc solo si nici pe BGA. Din principiu.
Daca nu gasesc partneri si timp de joaca nu merit sa ma joc ;).
Cel mai jucat joc este Carcassonne cu 247 de partide (ceea ce nu m-a impiedicat sa ies pe ultimul loc la campionatul national 😂).
GO-ul vine pe locul 2 cu 93 de partide si Crokinole pe locul 3 cu 36 de partide.
Si nici macar nu am jocul de Crokinole, l-am jucat doar la evenimente.
Deci trebuie sa joc anul asta macar 10 jocuri noi ca sa ajung la 1000 de jocuri de societate testate.
Da, stiu, nu e mare chestie sa iti mentioneze numele intr-un newsletter unul dintre game designerii pe care ii admiri, dar tot mi-a inseninat dimineata.
Si nu postez aici ca sa ma dau mare (m-am dat deja pe wall-ul meu) ci ca sa va incurajez sa raspundeti intrebarilor pe care vi le pun designerii sau reviewerii (e un barbarism dar recunoasteti ca recenzor suna ciudat) in newsletterele lor.
Ce ne-am mai jucat ieri:
1. Foundations of Metropolis (2024; 8/10) - 14+(8+), 2-4 players, 60 min., complexity 2,00/5; - a competitive city-building board game designed by Emerson Matsuuchi, the creator of the popular game “Foundations of Rome”. In this game, players take on the role of architects aiming to build the most prestigious buildings in a growing city. The game is played over three rounds, where players purchase empty lots, construct buildings, and strategically place them to maximize their prestige. The gameplay involves using polyomino pieces (shapes made up of squares) to construct various types of buildings on the board. More complex buildings require multiple lots but yield greater rewards. For me, it's the same game as “Foundations of Rome”, but without the extra chrome (read: a lot of plastic, a huge box, and an indecent price). It’s easy to learn and play, with fierce competition, but there’s a bit too much luck in 4-player games and the final point salad scoring can be a hassle to calculate.
Best Review:
Best How To Play:
2. Moon River (2023; 7/10) - 8+, 2-4 players, 45 min., complexity 2,14/5; - a board game that uses the Kingdomino game system, but with a twist. Instead of using dominoes, the game employs half-dominoes with one edge having a jigsaw puzzle-style connection. You combine two of these half puzzle pieces to craft your own dominoes. In the game, you expand the land you just inherited along the famous Moon River: corn fields, meadows, forests, and more. You explore the area and locate the best plots of land to harness their valuable resources and help your herds thrive. The goal of the game is to combine your plots to create each of your dominoes, optimize their layout to create your own ranch, expand your herds, and make the best use of your land to collect as many points as possible.
For me, it’s better than all the iterations of “Kingdomino” - a meaty filler with a theme I enjoy (cowboys!) and the perfect depth-to-complexity ratio that offers just the right amount of relaxation - not too easy, not too hard.
Best Review:
Best How To Play:
Ellen DeGeneres - "For your approval" (9/10)
Unii o iubesc, alții o urăsc cu spume, dar eu cred că majoritatea doar ne proiectăm pe ea așteptările sau nemulțumirile, de la caz la caz. Ellen încearcă și, din punctul meu de vedere, reușește să transforme un show de stand-up într-o confesiune a vulnerabilităților, bolilor mentale și frumuseții unei femei puternice într-o lume dominată de bărbați. Nu pretind că știu adevărul, dar asta am văzut eu în acest show.
The Cinema Cartography - “The 30 Greatest Films”: de la Oldboy la The Godfather Part I & II
I love those eyes of yours, my friend,
Their sparkling, flashing, fiery wonder;
When suddenly those lids ascend,
Then lightning rips the sky asunder;
You swiftly glance, and there's an end;
There's greater charm, though, to admire;
When lowered are those eyes divine;
In moments kissed by passion's fire;
When through the downcast lashes shine:
The smoldering embers of desire.
(Arnesy Tarkovsky, tatal lui Andrei Tarkovsky)