Abilitatile antreprenoriale, o necesitate
Cunostintele si abilitatile antreprenoriale sunt din ce in ce mai necesare in lumea muncii de azi si, daca nu le formezi de la 12 ani, e mult mai greu sa le formezi la 20 sau 30 de ani.
“Training is necessary if Europe is going to continue to nurture talent, create great companies and compete on a global scale. Mandatory classes on the subject would demystify the process and encourage company creation by more diverse founders.”
“It’s also worth noting that many skills involved in entrepreneurship translate well to other aspects of life and give students real-world skills even if they don’t decide to become company-builders. An entrepreneurship-focused curriculum would include the following:
- Leadership
- Negotiating tactics
- Marketing
- Financial planning
- Researching
- Critical thinking
- Project management”
Tot articolul aici. #foodforthought
Articole, evenimente si resurse utile acum:
Probabil cel mai bun (pret/beneficii) program de Product Management la care puteti avea acces online in clipa asta. Detalii despre curs:
- Taking place between October 11 – December 3
- The course is limited to 25 seats
- 27 hours of live education experience
- 5 workshops and 2 group discussions
- Practically apply the learning in a project
- Course handbook available after graduation
- Graduation certificate at the end of the course
Daca aveti 3 ore pe saptamana pe care sa le daruiti unor copii, garantat va veti umple viata de sens si de bucuria aceea speciala pe care o simti cand schimbi viata unui om.
Un video excelent pentru oricine este implicat in raspandirea “modern board gaming-ului” in care Quinns de la “Shut Up & Sit Down” ne da 10 ponturi despre “How To Teach Board Games Like a Pro”.
“Mythic Quest” (8/10), daca ti-a placut “The Office” si “Silicon Valley”, atunci asta este urmatorul serial de comedie inspirat de viata de birou pe care trebuie sa il vezi (de data asta actiunea are loc intr-un studio de video game design).
Pentru parintii “crafty” carora le place sa faca jucarii impreuna cu copii lor in loc sa le cumpere gata facute.
Jocumentar is the first Romanian full-length documentary about board games, their power to relax us, to connect with each other, the myths and truths about the hobby that is in a continuous growth in Romania. In this documentary, they will debunk six general misconceptions about board games. The movie is in Romanian but you can choose English subs for it.