10x career path, EdTech, comunitati & acceleratoare 😊
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Cum sa te gandesti strategic la cariera ta — 10x career path
Un eseu foarte bine documentat despre cum sa combini 3 ingrediente esentiale care sa te ajute sa cresti eficient — educatie / invatare, viteza si construirea unei retele profesionale:
“Finding your own 10x career path requires rigorous decision-making and counterintuitive reasoning.
A 10x career is one where you reach escape velocity and become truly high flying - with compounding opportunities for personal growth, societal contributions, and strong financial outcomes.
What these people know, that others do not, is that every decision you make along the way should optimize for learning, speed, and network growth - which are all-powerful functions of personal and career growth.”
“Those are the two key forces for creating 10x careers.
When you find the right people to work with, they will help you maximize your learning and your access to networks.
When you find momentum — in the form of a rapidly-growing sector — you will maximize your opportunities not just for career growth, but for career leadership.”
"A healthy manager-employee relationship is a two-way street: you make managers look good by doing high-quality work for them, and in turn, they open doors and opportunities for you. After earning their trust, great managers often become lifelong advisors and friends — even after you’ve switched jobs or companies."
"It’s not easy to find out what you like to do, what sectors are interesting, and what kind of company you enjoy working in until you’d have some experience and some insight about yourself. To make a software analogy, the very earliest stages of your career are like the alpha for a product (where you are the product). Develop a quick series of iterations and test the market before a big Launch."
Articole, evenimente si resurse utile acum:
Un articol util despre cum a schimbat COVID-19 pentru totdeauna industria EdTech.
Un interviu cu Andrei Pitis, despre fondul de investitii pe care l-a creat, Simple Capital, in ce a investit, ce fel de firma il intereseaza, cum le evalueaza, Innovation Labs, Techangels Romania etc.
S-a deschis inscrierea in cohorta de toamna a celui mai bun accelerator francez: The Family.
Am observat o noua tendinta in recrutare - platforme de recrutare in cadrul unor comunitati specializate pe un anumit competenta/profesie. Comunitatea este exclusiva pentru specialistii respectivi, ofera un spatiu pentru sharing de cunostinte, resurse, idei si proiecte, dar si intermedieri de locuri de munca. Atragi talentele prin comunitatea si cunostintele specifice, ii dai valoare prin selectia celor mai buni si monetizezi prin plasarea lor in firmele care cauta oameni de top. De exemplu comunitatea de aici: “This is a career resource for content marketers. Develop new skills, connect with peers, and learn from experts, post a job, find a job.”
“The ultimate guide to financial modeling for startups. Do you have a startup and do you want to build a sustainable financial future? Discover the best practices in the ultimate guide to financial modeling for startups.”
Cea mai buna explicatie video (12 min.) privind 3 greseli fatale ale founderilor incepatori.
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