Povestea vietii, Moonshot, apps de productivitate + Ultimele ore de inscriere la Tech Startup School meetup ⏰
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Tu cum (iti) spui povestea vietii?
De-a lungul vietii iti repeti mai mult sau mai putin constient, tot felul de povesti despre tine, care sa iti justifice reusitele sau esecurile. Ce s-a intamplat de fapt nimeni nu mai stie, doar povestea ramane. Si daca vrei sa iti schimbi viata incepe prin a schimba povestile tale despre tine. Asta e pe scurt psihoterapia narativa — cele mai importante idei din articol mai jos:
“In telling the story of how you became who you are, and of who you're on your way to becoming, the story itself becomes a part of who you are.”
“A life story doesn’t just say what happened, it says why it was important, what it means for who the person is, for who they’ll become, and for what happens next.”
“When people tell others about themselves, they kind of have to do it in a narrative way—that’s just how humans communicate.”
Storytelling, then—fictional or nonfictional, realistic or embellished with dragons—is a way of making sense of the world around us.
“Life is incredibly complex, there are lots of things going on in our environment and in our lives at all times, and in order to hold onto our experience, we need to make meaning out of it,” Adler says. “The way we do that is by structuring our lives into stories.”
“Through friends, family, and fiction, children learn what others consider to be good storytelling—and that being able to spin a good yarn has social value.”
“The way people recount experiences to others seems to shape the way they end up remembering those events. “
“A listener “may give you other things to think about, or may acknowledge that this thing you thought was really bad is actually not a big deal, so you get this richer and more elaborated memory,” Pasupathi says. If you don’t tell, “your memory for that event may be less flexible and give you less chance for growth.” This is basically the premise of talk therapy.”
“Wisdom and maturity and cognitive complexity are all things that we value, but they don’t necessarily make you happy.”
“What really matters isn’t so much whether it’s true in the forensic sense, in the legal sense,” she says. “What really matters is whether people are making something meaningful and coherent out of what happened. Any creation of a narrative is a bit of a lie. And some lies have enough truth.”
“The way someone imagines his future seems to affect the way he sees his past, at the same time as his past informs what he expects for the future.”
Intregul articol il puteti citi aici.
Articole, evenimente si resurse utile acum:
#TechStartupSchool: Ultimele ore de inscriere pentru AMA-ul nostru proaspat — "Despre startups, pivotare, coaching, YCombinator etc. - AMA cu Bogdan Apostol". Va asteptam inscrierile pe Meetup, ca de obicei. Hurry up!
Nici eu nu as fi facut o lista mai buna decat Marius Ursache, in ce priveste primele 9 carti de studiat inainte de a-ti incepe cariera de investitor, fie ca o faci cu banii tau (angel investment) sau cu ai altora (VC investment).
Acum 50 de ani, un reputat economist, Milton Friedman, a publicat un eseu in The New York Times Magazine al carui titlul era: “The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits”. In urmatoarele decenii, eseul si mai ales titlul sau, au devenit mantra si apararea tuturor directorilor de firme dispusi sa faca orice pentru a maximiza profitul firmei. Anul acesta The NY Times Magazine a intrebat o serie de 20 experti - economisti, directori de firma, laureati Nobel - ce s-a dovedit de-a lungul timpului corect si ce nu din doctrina Friedman.
Mi se pare o idee misto sa ii inveti pe tinerii de 11-17 ani cum sa isi transforme pasiunea intr-un produs pe care sa il si comercializeze pe Kickstarter sau Amazon.
Astept impresiile voastre,