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Cum mi-am schimbat stilul de scris in jurnal cu "Homework for Life"
Atat de mult m-a impresionat acest exercitiu, âHomework for Lifeâ, incat mi-am schimbat stilul de scriere in jurnalul meu personal dupa 8 ani de scris zi de zi.
Mai intai am recitit tot ce am scris luna trecuta in jurnal ca sa vad ce impact are asupra mea. Mi-a luat vreo doua ore.
Concluziile pe care le-am tras dupa aceea m-au deteminat sa decid ca de acum incolo sa notez doar âstoryworthy momentsâ:
- Detaliile conteaza, dau farmec si interes, deci trebuie sa spun ce anime, ce desen, ce film, ce carte am citit, nu doar sa mentionez ca am facut asta.
- Chestile de rutina nu merita descrise zilnic, cafeaua, emailurile, ce am mancat, ca am lucrat sau nu, ca doarme Mihai toata noaptea sau nu, etc. Merita sa scriu doar daca s-a intamplat ceva deosebit in acea rutina, daca m-am gandit sau am facut ceva nou. Insiruirea a tot ce am facut nu este nici interesanta si nici nu ma ajuta sa imi aduc aminte ziua respectiva.
- Mai bine sa scriu despre ce simt in legatura cu lucrurile facute sau cu ce mi se intampla. Faptele simple fara detalii, fara context, fara trairile si gandurile mele sunt anoste.
- Sa continui sa scriu despre gandurile si introspectiile mele, ca sunt singurele parti interesante din ce am notat pana acum si imi sunt si folositoare pentru articole sau proiecte.
- Cand fac ceva, sa scriu despre asta doar daca este ceva nou, sau memorabil, sau interesant, dar neaparat sa descriu si ce simt sau ce imi trece prin minte cand fac lucrul acela.
- Sa continui sa copiez postarile importante pentru FB (articole lungi, opinii argumentate, recenzii de filme, carti, locatii).
- Sa continui sa imi notez visele mele si analiza lor.
Deci nu o sa mai fac cronologia a tot ce am facut peste zi, ci o sa selectez doar momentele interesante, fie prin ce s-a intamplat, fie prin ce am simtit si gandit. Preferabil prin ambele.
Luna asta gata cu rutina si banalul, trecem la nou si interesant! ;)
Cateva lucruri importante via "Homework for Life":
âI discovered that my life is filled with âstoryworthy momentsâ. Filled with precious moments that once seemed decidedly less than precious. Filled with moments that are more storyworthy than Iâd ever imagined. Iâd just been failing to notice them. Or discounting them. Or ignoring them.â
âEven without a plan for writing, simply noticing is a valuable practice. âThe world slowed down for me,â Matthews says of his practice of doing Homework for Life, sitting down every evening and asking himself: âWhat is my story from today? What is the thing about today that has made it different from any previous day?â
âWe tell stories to express our hardest, best, most authentic truths. Your story must reflect change over time . . . You must start out as one version of yourself and end as something new. The change can be infinitesimal.â
âEvery great story ever told is essentially about a five-second moment of transformation in the life of a human being, and the purpose of the story is to bring that moment to the greatest clarity possible.â
âStorytelling is about bridging the gap between you and another person by creating a space of authenticity, vulnerability and universal truth.â
âA story isnât about the big events such as the time Matthew was nearly killed in a car accident, although that is part of his story âThis is Going to Suck.â The story is about âthe small, relatable, comprehensible moment in our larger stories. We must find the piece of the story that people can connect to, relate to, and understand.â
âRather than telling a story of your full and complete accomplishment, tell the story of a small part of the success. Tell about a small step. Feel free to allude to the better days that may lie ahead, but donât try to tell everything. Small steps only.â
âMatthew Dicks believes anyone can become a storyteller. âYou donât have to die or be arrested or live on the streets to be a great storyteller,â Matthew says. âYou donât need to travel to exotic locations or meet famous people. You simply need to find a moment in your life when something about you changed in a profound way. Your life is filled with these five-second moments. Find them, and make them the stories you tell.â
Pe restul le gasiti in articol. Astept parerile voastre dupa ce testati medota :)
Articole, evenimente si resurse utile acum:
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Ai probleme cu job-ul? Vrei sa iti schimbi cariera? Esti in burnout? Ei bine, inainte de a merge la un consilier sau coach, citeste cateva din articolele astea de la âThe School of Lifeâ (incepe cu cele care iti atrag atentia) si scrie undeva intr-un jurnal sau in notes ce articol ai citit si ce ganduri ti-a trezit. O sa te ajute si daca mergi la un specialist si daca nu mergi, win-win.
Astept impresiile voastre,