Product-market fit, segmentare, reframing si evenimente noi ➡
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Product-market fit si segmentarea pietei:
Un articol foarte bun si practic pentru viitorii antreprenori din Tech Startup School sau orice alt program de educatie antreprenoriala, despre segmentarea pietei din prima clipa si Product-Market Fit.
Cateva idei principale de retinut:
“Supan has become one of the most sought-after branding experts in Silicon Valley, helping companies like Dropbox, Airbnb and Thumbtack craft their positioning prior to launch. Her first step? Identifying their target user—the high-expectation customer. In this exclusive interview, she explains who that is, how to find them, and why every startup needs to ditch generic platitudes and start speaking to the people who will really care.”
“Positioning is the big bet a company is making over the long term,” says Supan. “It’s the strategy for building your business, product, and brand. It’s the clear action plan that will translate into positive revenue, happy customers and a great place to work.” Your position isn’t your messaging or your product roadmap—but it is the foundation of every decision you’ll make along the way.”
“Before you can embrace where you’re going, you need to understand who you’re taking with you. “Identifying the one thing you do really well that is original and defensible is the first step. Then you have to align your business, product, operations and marketing to ensure that you are building precisely what customers need—even if they didn’t realize they needed it until it came into their lives.”
“To kick off her positioning work, Supan walks founders through five key questions:
- Who is the customer that needs/wants your service or product most?
- Why does your product or service matter to them?
- How do they feel about your product or service?
- What is its true benefit to them?
- Will your product exceed their expectations?”
“The first and most crucial step to successful positioning, then, is to define your ideal user—what Supan has coined “the high-expectation customer.”
“The high-expectation customer, or HXC, is the most discerning person within your target demographic. It’s someone who will acknowledge—and enjoy—your product or service for its greatest benefit,” says Supan. That discernment is key, because this customer is also someone who can help startups spread the word.”
“The HXC needs to be a person who others aspire to emulate because they see them as clever, judicious and insightful.”
“It’s tempting to assume your early adopters are also your HXCs, but that’s not always the case—and failing to make that distinction can prove challenging to a young company.”
“It’s no exaggeration to say that correctly identifying the target customer can make or break a young company. Founders need to take the time to methodically define their HXC:”
“There’s no way around it: startups are a grind. If you’re not building something you want to build, it’s next to impossible to stick it out. “I've seen companies retool the entire company for a customer that they're not excited about. Sometimes, I’ve talked to companies that don't like or can’t relate to their high-expectation customer,” says Supan. “That is really difficult. That affects the culture. That affects hiring. That affects the energy of people on the team—their focus and commitment.”
“The high-expectation customer is the truest form of virality.”
Daca vreti sa explorati mai mult, aici puteti citi articolul.
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- Goals: Have some. Think about the key areas of your life and finish the sentence, “I want…” Then get specific. Oh, and no “dead person goals.”
- Agency: Switch from “I want..” to “I choose…” And remind yourself of relevant past success to increase that feeling of progress.
- Pathways: Play your “mental movie.” Focus on the middle of your journey. Anticipate obstacles and find multiple routes to overcome them. When plans fail, remember: You’re not bad; the plan was bad. So improve it.
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