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āAgile for happy familiesā
Metodologia āAgileā a revolutionat efectiv productivitatea muncii in industria de software. In ultimii 20 de ani, de cand sunt aplicate aceste principii, eficienta si eficacitatea echipelor de programatori a crescut exponential si acum aceste principii sunt in curs de a fi adoptate in toate departamentele companiilor sau in alte industrii.
Bruce Feiler, autorul acestei prezentari, le-a aplicat in viata de familie si in parenting, iar rezultatele pozitive l-au facut sa devina ambasadorul acestei schimbari in parentaj, āAgile for happy familiesā:
āEllen Galinsky of the Families and Work Institute asked 1,000 children, "If you were granted one wish about your parents, what would it be?" The parents predicted the kids would say, spending more time with them. They were wrong. The kids' number one wish? That their parents be less tired and less stressed. So how can we change this dynamic? Are there concrete things we can do to reduce stress, draw our family closer, and generally prepare our children to enter the world?ā
"I was a teenager when I first read "Anna Karenina" and its famous opening sentence, "All happy families are alike. Each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." When I first read that, I thought, "That sentence is inane. Of course all happy families aren't alike." But as I began working on this project, I began changing my mind. Recent scholarship has allowed us, for the first time, to identify the building blocks that successful families have.
I've mentioned just three here today:
- Adapt all the time,
- Empower the children,
- Tell your story.
That story perfectly captures for me the final lesson that I learned: Happiness is not something we find, it's something we make. Almost anybody who's looked at well-run organizations has come to pretty much the same conclusion. Greatness is not a matter of circumstance. It's a matter of choice. You don't need some grand plan. You don't need a waterfall. You just need to take small steps, accumulate small wins, keep reaching for that green stick. In the end, this may be the greatest lesson of all. What's the secret to a happy family? Try."
Vedeti tot TED Talk-ul pentru detalii :)
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