Jobs to be done pentru product development, abilitatile viitorului, depresie si educatie + #meetups de martie ☺
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De ce sa stii JTBD pentru a dezvolta produse relevante:
Una din cele mai bune introduceri in teoria Jobs-To-Be-Done (JTBD), creata de Bob Moesta, care ne explica de ce marile corporatii, in pofida faptului ca au acces la o multime de date despre clienti, creeaza cel mai ades produse care nu au succes in piata.
Publicul larg nu este constient de dimensiunea acestui fenomen, observand doar produsele care au rezistat in piata, dar in realitate rata de esec a noilor produse create de companii este de aproape 99%:
“Of the more than 20,000 new products evaluated in Nielsen’s 2012–2016 Breakthrough Innovation report, only 92 had sales of more than $50 million in year one and sustained sales in year two, excluding close-in line extensions.”
“After decades of watching great companies fail, we’ve come to the conclusion that the focus on correlation—and on knowing more and more about customers—is taking firms in the wrong direction. What they really need to home in on is the progress that the customer is trying to make in a given circumstance—what the customer hopes to accomplish. This is what we’ve come to call the job to be done.”
“When we buy a product, we essentially “hire” it to help us do a job. If it does the job well, the next time we’re confronted with the same job, we tend to hire that product again. And if it does a crummy job, we “fire” it and look for an alternative.”
“Job” is shorthand for what an individual really seeks to accomplish in a given circumstance.”
“The circumstances are more important than customer characteristics, product attributes, new technologies, or trends.”
“Good innovations solve problems that formerly had only inadequate solutions—or no solution.”
“Jobs are never simply about function—they have powerful social and emotional dimensions.”
“Identifying and understanding the job to be done are only the first steps in creating products that customers want—especially ones they will pay premium prices for. It’s also essential to create the right set of experiences for the purchase and use of the product and then integrate those experiences into a company’s processes.”
“The final piece of the puzzle is processes—how the company integrates across functions to support the job to be done. Focusing processes on the job to be done provides clear guidance to everyone on the team. It’s a simple but powerful way of making sure a company doesn’t unintentionally abandon the insights that brought it success in the first place.”
“Many organizations have unwittingly designed innovation processes that produce inconsistent and disappointing outcomes. They spend time and money compiling data-rich models that make them masters of description but failures at prediction. But firms don’t have to continue down that path. Innovation can be far more predictable—and far more profitable—if you start by identifying jobs that customers are struggling to get done. Without that lens, you’re doomed to hit-or-miss innovation. With it, you can leave relying on luck to your competitors.”
Studiati tot articolul aici ;)
Articole si evenimente pe care le recomand:
#savethedate urmatoarele meetups pe care le organizez: la UX Design for Startups ne vedem pe 11 martie, iar la Tech Startup School ne vedem pe 19 martie.
Ce-ar fi daca ai gasi pe o platforma posibilitatea de a colabora cu echipe de freelanceri experimentati si verificati, care au deja propriul project manager care sa ii coordoneze? Exact asta face UpperHQ si sper sa le mearga fiindca asta mi se pare a fi viitorul outsourcing-ului.
In ultimii zece ani in SUA rata de depresie la copii din scoli a crescut cu 60%. Numarul de tentative de suicid s-a dublat in aceasta perioada. La scoala, acasa si in societate traim intr-o cultura bazate pe frica si deconectare. Si asta ii afecteaza in primul rand pe copii, atat psihic, cat si fizic. Articolul prezinta cateva cauze si cateva organizatii care incearca sa gaseasca solutii la aceasta problema.
"Înscrierile pentru cea de-a treia ediție a competiției din cadrul programului Changeneers, dedicată antreprenorilor și startup-urilor care inovează cu ajutorul tehnologiei pentru binele comunității, au demarat pe data de 29 ianuarie. Perioada în care se primesc aplicații se încheie pe data de 13 martie."
Un program interesant de writing therapy creat de Jordan B. Peterson si Robert O. Pihl: "The Self-Authoring Suite is a series of online writing programs that collectively help you explore your past, present and future."
Primele 3 abilitati pentru joburile viitorului (2020+), nu in mod surprinzator: Complex problem-solving, Critical thinking, Creativity.
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