Customer Journey Maps, startupuri est-europene, mantre in Silicon Valley, carti #decitit + un eveniment HEC Paris Alumni 🎈

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De ce sa construiesti un Customer Journey Map pentru startup-ul tau?
"Customer Journey Map" este un element cheie in mai toate procesele moderne de inovatie si antreprenoriat (Design Thinkinng, Growth Hacking, UX, Lean) si exista o multime de variante pe piata, dar mai jos sunt prezentate 5 principii fundamentale pentru orice varianta ati folosi:
1. They’re written from the customer’s point of view, not the company’s. The purpose of the journey map is to close the Empathy Gap between marketer and consumer. This can be tricky to do from inside an organization. That’s why I recommend brands hire an agency to build their journey maps, to get the benefit of an outsider’s view.
2. They combine the mechanics of experience with the customer’s emotional response. Here’s where the magic happens. The magic of journey maps doesn’t come from documenting a customer’s experience. Instead, it’s from combining the mechanics of experience with the emotions and perceptions of a customer. One without the other is a story without substance (or vice versa).
3. They document the customer’s omnichannel journey. Journey maps capture how people use multiple touchpoints. From a customer’s view, every interaction is part of one significant experience. There’s no online or offline, above-the-line or below it. It’s only one company, one product, and one experience to them.
4. They are visualization tools. The challenge of managing the customer journey is vast, but the upside is significant too. To get buy-in for CX initiatives, you’ll need everyone on the same page regarding pain points, challenges, and opportunities. The visual nature of the CJM has two benefits. One, everyone gets closer to understanding the complexities of your customer experience. Two, you can use it as a socialization tool to gain alignment and buy-in from internal partners.
5. They define and capture the phases of the customer purchase journey. Ultimately, customer experience initiatives need to drive ROI. By aligning the journey map to a customer path with a measurable goal, you can keep everyone focused. Without this aim, it’s easy to get lost in tactical initiatives that drive short-term action, but no long-term gains.
Studiati procesul aici si start journeying!
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