Hacking sales, ecosistemul antreprenorial romanesc, intrebari existentiale + 2 meetups noi #savethedate ⏰

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Hacking sales (un studiu de caz excelent by Robert Blaga si echipa)
Un articol foarte util si inspirator pentru orice antreprenor care conduce o mica afacere ce incearca sa se extinda international, despre cum sa faci un "sales hackathon". Plus o multime de idei bune despre cold emailing, A/B testing in vanzari, cum sa ridici moralul oamenilor tai in momentele grele si cum sa motivezi o echipa foarte tanara sa faca ceva nou si greu.
(Disclaimer: Robert Blaga imi este client de mentorat si un bun prieten, dar articolul este foarte bun indiferent de relatia noastra.)
"From the simplest to the most important ones, here are the lessons we are most fond of:
1. Personalized works! When contacting people out of the blue, the subject lines and texts that were most personalized got the highest response rate. Making an effort to understand the potential client before contacting him was worth it.
2. Test each step of the process. There are no certainties, but only hypothesis to be validated or not. We’ve modified our approach and our sales pitch at least 25 times in five days and each time we’ve learned something useful that got us closer to perfection.
3. Team morale is more important than team competence, take care of that. Constantly measuring and trying to improve this aspect did two important things for us: we became more empathetic towards our new colleague's mission and we stayed in touch with the human side of business and sales. We are better team members and friends because of this.
4. Mindset is key to sales (and startups). By being so focused on learning, failure was not possible: when something didn’t work or when someone did a mistake (like a colleague sending our presentation to the competition by accident), we laughed about it and moved on with one more lesson learned. Everybody was pitching ideas, offering feedback and being helpful.
5. It’s a numbers game. If you don’t keep track of the numbers, you never know how well you are doing. And if you keep adding to your game while contacting as many people as possible, the sale will come."
#savethedate Ignite Growth Marketing Community #2 + Tech Startup School #1
1. Stim ca e vara, dar cum suntem entuziasmati de ce a iesit la prima intalnire a Growth Marketing Society, ne-am parteneriat cu Techhub si ne vedem acolo pe 19 septembrie la meetup-ul nu numarul #2. Detaliile in curand!
2. Entuziasmul s-a extins, asa ca tot in toamna, pe 11 septembrie, tot la Techhub, ne vedem pentru a da startul unui nou meetup: Tech Startup School, cu scopul de a ajuta antreprenorii to be in tech sa invete cum sa isi testeze ideile, valideze ideile si creeze un prim MVP. Mai multe detalii in curand, aici.
Articole, resurse si evenimente care m-au inspirat in ultimul timp:
Ma bucur sa fiu parte din echipa de mentori StepFWD, pre-accelerator creat de Codette si Techhub cu sustinerea Google, printre altele :) - inscrierile sunt deschise aici.
9 intrebari via Tim Ferriss care sa te ajute sa iti explorezi viata, obiectivele, planurile etc.
"Sid has experienced several startups and says his two big takeaways when it comes to cofounding a company are: 1) To be smart with the shares, 2) To be sure you and your cofounders are aligned in vision."
O excelenta analiza a ce s-a intamplat in lumea Tech Startup-urilor in primele 6 luni ale anului.
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