Feedback iCEE.fest, design thinking, DeepMind, karate si-un framework pentru descoperit pasiuni 😳
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Experienta iCEE.fest si feedback-ul meu
A trecut si iCEE.fest, m-am bucurat sa fiu speaker in track-ul dedicat antreprenorilor si ecosistemului de startups, am descoperit oameni foarte tari si m-am gandit sa impartasesc, cu ce mi-a placut si cu ce nu mi-a placut, cum s-a vazut evenimentul din perspectiva mea + o lista cu resurse descoperite, la final >>
Ce mi-a placut:
- Track-ul pentru startups la un pret de imbatabil (75 euro ptr 2 zile full). Dovada e faptul ca am luat 2 bilete la track-ul asta inainte de a fi invitat ca speaker si astfel sa am acces gratuit la toate prezentarile.
- Calitatea workshopurilor din track-ul de startups: practic in prima zi 5 din 6 ateliere au fost excelente (Focus Stage 4), utile si tinute de experti foarte tari. Si daca eu am fost impresionat, care mai stiu ceva in domeniu, cu atat mai mult ma astept sa fi fost cineva care venea sa se informeze.
- Calitatea speakerilor si a prezentarilor din celelalte track-uri a fost ok din ce pot sa imi dau seama, tinand cont ca in prima zi am apucat sa merg in sala principala (Upgrade Stage 1) doar 1 ora, in rest ramanand in sala din track-ul de startups
- Evenimentele de pitch-uri au fost foarte bune si utile pentru mine si alti investitori (ii stiam pe multi, dar tot am mai descoperit firme noi, iar cu 3 urmeaza sa ma intalnesc)
- Organizarea si voluntarii au fost la inaltime. Unul din voluntari si-a parasit postul de la facut cafea numai ca sa imi asculte prezentarea si dupa aceea, cand am venit sa imi iau o cafea, mi-a pus niste intrebari pertinente, asa ca nu aveam cum sa nu fiu incantat.
- Audienta faina, ne-am intalnit aproape toti oamenii din Tech pe coridoare sau la cafea, puteai sa vorbesti cu oricine cu usurinta, lumea era bine dispusa si deschisa.
- Locatia a fost acceptabila, tinand cont ca nu prea ai unde sa faci evenimente in Bucuresti cu 4000 de participanti, aer conditionat si multe sali. Doar ca fiind sali de cinema, cumva duceam dorul luminii si mi-era greu sa stau treaz la ateliere.
- Mie personal, mi-a placut ca evenimentul a avut loc in mall, fiindca am putut sa mananc dimineata si la pranz in niste restaurante decente, si nu a trebuit sa ma multumesc cu niste sandvisuri mancate pe fuga.
Ce nu mi-a placut:
- FOMO, prea multe track-uri, prea multe tentatii, dar probabil trebuie sa ma obisnuiesc eu cu sentimentul si sa ma bucur doar de ce descopar util pentru mine.
- UX/UI-ul site-ului si aplicatiei are neaparat nevoie de un upgrade. Ca sa afli orice informatie privind o prezentare, un speaker, track, venue etc. trebuia sa dai de 3 ori mai multe click-uri decat ar fi fost necesar, sa te duci dintr-un loc in altul etc.
- Mi-as fi dorit ca descrierile prezentarilor si workshopurilor sa fie mai concludente (ce aflu nou, cu ce plec de acolo), unii speakeri le-au facut bine, dar multi nu.
- Obositor, fiind programul un pic cam lung (mai ales a doua zi), asa ca la unele prezentari m-am surprins motaind in scaun. Cred ca era mai bine daca se terminau prezentarile la un 17:00 si pe urma doar sa stai de vorba, pe ici pe colo, cu oamenii pe care i-ai intalnit, fiindca mi se pare ca networking-ul devine mai important decat informatia la astfel de evenimente.
Ce resurse am descoperit:
- - We love data. We A/B test and optimize everything — from PR pitches to brand messaging. We go viral. We use psychological triggers to activate emotions — causing consumers, customers, and journalists to act now. We grow brands. We laser focus on your core business KPIs — then create disproportionate leverage to scale your brand.
- - My name is Ferdinand Goetzen and I help companies grow. I first ventured into the digital sphere almost a decade ago and have been helping companies -primarily startups and scale ups- scale their business ever since. I believe that new technologies and opportunities make it more exciting than ever to start and grow a business. I also strongly believe that the key to growing any business is creating as much value as possible.
- - We are conversion optimisers who help our clients use actual data instead of guesses. Armed with scientific methods, we reveal our customers’ growth potential and help them reach their business goals. Since the start, we’ve improved conversion in over 600 projects – and that’s something that we’re going to keep doing. Apart from having the best CRO experts in Sweden on our team, we’ve also started Sweden’s first CRO course “Conversion Manager” as well as the largest conversion and growth event in the Nordics – “Conversion Jam”.
- - It's called Genius Steals because we believe ideas are new combinations and that nothing can come from nothing. But copying is lazy. We believe the best way to innovate is to look at the best of that which came before and combine those elements into new solutions. Co-Founders Faris & Rosie are award-winning strategists and creative directors, writers, consultants and public speakers who have been living on the road/runway for 6 (!!) years and counting, working with companies all over the world.
- - Customer Acquisition Strategy For Startups. Learn how fast-growing companies acquire users that convert into paying customers.
- - GrowthRocks Is A Growth Hacking Marketing Agency That Helps Startups And Well-Established Companies To Achieve Rapid And Sustainable Growth
- - Singularity University - Preparing Global Leaders & Organizations for the Future. Explore the opportunities and implications of exponential technologies and connect to a global ecosystem that is shaping the future and solving the world’s most urgent problems. Our programs and events equip you with the mindset, tools, and resources to successfully navigate your transformational journey to the future. We are powered by our world class faculty, trailblazing practitioners, and global network of alumni, partners, and impact startups.
- - David JP Phillips is a new type of breed of courses and lectures regarding how mankind communicate with each other. So many have tried before and failed when they do their best of delivering their message, they so often become persuasive instead of convincing. So now this will change. We are a company that helps you to become a great presenter, salesperson or even a leader.
- - I’m a freelance consumer psychologist based in London. I help agencies and brand owners understand what people want, how they shop, and the marketing messages that will appeal to them. My speciality is the psychology of happiness; the science and practice of improving human wellbeing. I believe brands have a key role to play in fostering and facilitating happiness.
- - My name is Myles and I am an advertising creative. Over the last 21 years I've had the pleasure of working for Y&R and Lowe in Cape Town, Springer & Jacoby Hamburg, Heimat and DDB Berlin. This year in January I began a new adventure founding a new agency for the Serviceplan Group in Berlin.
- - This short workshop activity will help you understand the Fjord Trends 2019 report more deeply and realize more about how it affects you and your business.
- - Artificial Intelligence for Ad Verification. Introducing FakeRank – the PageRank for Fake News Detection
- - The 311 institute is a global futures think tank, working between the dates of 2020 and 2070, and we help organisations, regulators and governments envision, build, and lead an inclusive future that benefits everyone.
- - Engage Your Visitors with On-Site Messages. Whether you’re an e-tailer just starting out or a fast-growing enterprise, Sleeknote has everything you need to build your audience, engage website visitors, promote popular products, and reduce cart abandonment.
- - Simple Surveys. Powerful Insights. The easiest and most affordable way to get real-time insights from real consumers.
- - EstBAN is a member led organisation committed to finding, funding and mentoring great young companies from pitch through to successful exit.
Daca vreti sa explorati mai multe, check it out:
Articole, resurse si evenimente care m-au inspirat in ultimul timp:
Ce fac diferit companii precum Netflix sau Airbnb? Folosesc foarte bine principii de human-centric design, design thinking si lean startup.
Pe 1 iulie, sunt invitatul Gabrielei Blaga la Tell me your story. Abia astept!
De ce merg eu cu Mihai la karate de la 6 ani si de ce ar fi foarte util ca toti copii sa faca o arta martiala cat mai devreme in viata? Uitati-va la acest video pentru cateva argumente foarte bune.
Un trend foarte interesant in e-commerce, care incearca sa inlocuiasca tacticile actuale de affiliates si influencer marketing.
Ai zice ca atunci cand DeepMind a reusit sa creeze un AI care joaca GO perfect, la un nivel care depaseste toata cunoasterea acumulata in 3000 de ani de studiu al jocului, ei bine, ai zice ca jucatorii de GO vor abandona acest joc. Lucrul asta se poate intampla doar pentru putinii jucatori cu mentalitatea vestica gen "castigul este totul". Dar pentru adevarati jucatori de GO, acesta nu este un scop, ci un mijloc. Joci GO pentru a-ti antrena mintea si sufletul, pentru a te bucura de co-creerea unei partide unice si efemere, pentru a creste nu pentru a invinge. Si de asta Alpha Zero nu le rapeste bucuria de se juca, ci dimpotriva ii inspira. Si mi se pare ca exemplul asta ne da un raspuns interesant la polemicile in jurul impactului pe care il vor avea AI-urile specializate asupra umanitatii. Totul depinde de atitudinea noastra fata de viata.
Un framework util pentru a-ti gasi si dezvolta o pasiune. Si, da, e nevoie de efort, nu pica din cer ca o revelatie.
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